I have been off newgrounds for quite a while and figured I would come and give a quick update. My previous plans are kind of sinking fast. I'm sort of abandoning them for a new system of doing things. if I want to make any money I need to first establish myself as an educational/performance composer. I need to get out some percussion performance and etude books and start making some money before I can make these bigger projects come to life.
What I will be doing is working really hard on some smaller, simpler, and quicker projects, such as my snare, timpani, and marimba etude books, my series of beginner snare drum solos with piano accompaniment, and some duet material for snare and multipercussion. I will be doing these while slowly chipping away at some larger projects, such as piano books and educational musical contemplations for certain musical ensembles, including string orchestra, woodwind choir, brass choir, flute choir, saxophone ensemble, etc.
As for what I'm putting on Newgrounds, I've decided that classical music isn't really working out here, so I'm just going to be uploading drumline pieces from now on. They are getting better ratings than my previous classical music, but I'm still having trouble fitting in here.