I don't like techno, but this was good.
It wasn't complete repetitive ear-rape, so that's a good thing. But, it also showed contrast in dynamics, character, and movement. Good work!
I don't like techno, but this was good.
It wasn't complete repetitive ear-rape, so that's a good thing. But, it also showed contrast in dynamics, character, and movement. Good work!
The general grandiose nature of the piece, as well as harmonic novelties in suspensions suggest Beethoven. Chord progression, melody structure, and romantic styling suggest Chopin. Texture and chord treatment suggest Rachmaninov.
This made my day.
Why Thank you very much!
Interesting that you think the styling is chopin-like, thats pretty much what i was going for with these pieces.
I thought this was an excellent contemplation. You really took one sort of musical thought and mulled it over, exploring its possibilities and giving it many different musical treatments. As any professional musician knows, notes do not make music, it is the treatment of them that makes the notes. Any "incorrect" notes could simply be interpreted as bent or otherwise colorful expression notes that I thought actually added to the piece overall. On the subject of notes, the final ones that you ended on gave me a chill. Truly haunting.
Was this improvised? It has a few of the hallmarks of improvised music but was also very well phrased, unified, and seemed to be structured with regards to form. Most of all, though, it was real, organic, and just downright tasty.
Never stop playing. People around here are harsh on classical and traditional music if it doesn't sound like the soundtrack to every other movie.
Thank you. I had a few phrases that I had remembered from when I was being taught how to improvise in Phrygian/minor. Other than that, this piece is entirely improvised.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Loved the use of hemiola before the middle and later. Overall It was interesting, yet groovy.
Thanks, I'm glad you think so :)
Sorry for the lateness of the reply; I'm not on NG much these days.
That was tasty as hell, man. It might not be what I was expecting when I clicked to browse classical music, but I'm sure glad I found it either way. You also seemed to find the perfect balance of video game music, meaning it is simple or repetitive enough to be background music, but can jump out and stand on its own if need be.
Oh, and drums and guitars originally started in an orchestral setting, so I find no problem with them returning in a different format.
Great job.
Hi Naroghin, thanks for the positive feedback. I'm glad you've noticed the simplistic approach to it's composition in regards to it being menu music. Most people seem to gloss over this! The emphasis here was more on ambient layering with an aggressive ending to make the song stand out.
I've had a few people comment that the whole first half was too repetitive at which point I had to explain to them this was done on purpose since the song couldn't be too distracting given it's nature as background music.
Anyways, thanks for the review man, much appreciated.
Fuck yes.
I concur.
Here, here. Cheerio and all that, chaps!
While I loved the way that the audio sample was spliced up into distinct rhythms, I felt also that the sound was a little bit static. That said, however, you transfered between ideas very smoothly without completely throwing away the first idea. Everything adhered easily to the original theme no matter what you added in.
Good job. While this is complete at this point, it could still be expended on further if you felt the need or want.
Chris here.
Interesting thing about this song is that it actually was two different ideas. I chopped everything up and made a simple drums beat (that's the first half of the song) and Alex added the rest.
I'm glad it flows well, though. Tells me alot about how well we work together.
Thanks for the review!
Short but sweet.
I really enjoyed listening to this piece. It was catchy and simple, but orchestrated well and flowed very smoothly. It would work great as background music for a game or a short video. Nice ending as well.
I'll work on longer pieces as time goes by
there are a lot of great ideas here, but it seems you need to develop the ideas you have, then move more smoothly between them. It also seems as though you could have led up to the end a little better.
However, all of that said, it was an excellent first try at piano writing, especially for not having dynamics or other completed parts yet.
That's what my sister said too..it didn't flow well (Music Major)
Haha..i guess i need to work on it more later...
Pretty good,
especially for a first in this style. It was simple, yet smooth and elegant in how it was written. Good build and climax, as well as a fun little surprise at the end. Good job, it was a treat to listen to.
glad you liked it!
thanks :D
Age 35, Male
Spring Arbor University
Joined on 6/15/09